The Ocean Trust
The Ocean Trust works with their local communities to implement successfully tried and tested, scientifically proven restoration methods on our degraded reefs.
The Ocean Trust’s MissioN
Our mission is to rebuild and restore dying reefs up and down the coast of East Africa starting in the Lamu Archipelago, Kenya. Scientists predict by 2043 coral will be practically extinct without intervention – the time to restore the coral reefs and protect this marine environment is now.
As a community we feel it’s imperative to work together with other organisations and communities to deliver tried and tested methods of reef restoration in order to achieve our mission.
We work with our local communities and implement successfully tried and tested, scientifically proven restoration methods on our degraded reefs.
The Ocean Trust has partnered with Mars Sustainable Solutions who for over a decade, in partnership with local communities, scientists, businesses, NGOs and governments, have been developing and implementing a simple solution to help restore damaged coral reefs globally. This solution, referred to as MARRS (Mars Assisted Reef Restoration System) is a holistic approach to reef restoration and is centred around a hexagonal steel structure called the Reef Star.
Working in teams, Reef Stars are deployed in extensive webs to stabilize loose coral rubble and provide a platform for coral to grow. At its most effective, the MARRS method can transform heavily degraded rubble fields into healthy coral-dominated ecosystems within a few years.
To achieve the scale of restoration our vital coral reefs need, Mars Sustainable Solutions is training restoration practitioners around the world in order to build a global network of competent reef builders and The Ocean Trust have joined this network to become part of the largest restoration programme in the world.
The Ocean Trust’s Work
Coral reefs are the most diverse ecosystems in the world with over a quarter of all marine life found within them. Around a trillion dollar’s worth of commerce, income and food security supports billions of people around the world. From watching the decline in the reef from childhood to present it has never been more important to carry out this work.