Jono Allen | Wildlife Photographer | B. Env Science | Encounter Guide | Freediver | Australia - Tonga


Jono Allen is a wildlife photographer, freediver & environmental scientist from Australia with a lifelong love of nature.

“I was born and raised in Melbourne, attended university in Sydney, and am now based in the Northern Rivers town of Byron Bay. Over the past decade, I have dedicated myself to experiencing and discovering unique wildlife encounters, this pursuit has lead me to many incredible places such as Kenya for two years, South Africa, Namibia, Iceland, Costa Rica, Fiji, Sumatra, Azores, Vanuatu, Tonga, and more.”

Photo of me exploring the crystal blue caves of Tonga by Jordan Robins

Photo of me exploring the crystal blue caves of Tonga by Jordan Robins

"When I'm not freediving or editing, I'm usually trying to figure out ways to photograph the many amazing wildlife species I'm yet to lay my lens on. Be that great whites, orcas, blue whales, sea lions all the way to crazy things such as walrus, belugas, and polar bears! My brain likes to run wild trying to figure out ways to meet these incredible animals.”


What are the fondest memories from your upbringing that you feel impacted your life choices and lifestyle today?

I've had my fair share of special encounters with wildlife growing up, with wild animals allowing me to get unusually close to them. However, I would say that no one event has impacted my life choices or lifestyle as such. For me, I've just always felt that nature was the real world, I felt that way as a kid and I still feel it today. Being in a big city or in a shopping mall feels much more alien to me than being anywhere in nature. I've been blessed with a strong connection to the natural world since a kid, and I don't think any other lifestyle was ever going to be a choice really.


What/who currently inspires you?

This is a tough one. So the people who inspire me to run out the door and dive, and to keep getting deeper into this underwater world are Karim Iliya, Charyse Reinfelder, the legend Roger Koenig, and my mate Jordan Robins. Atheistically, Matt Draper, David Yarrow and Ansel Adams are all brilliant, and continue to challenge me to delve deeper into my own style and into my own version of a more captivating black and white kind of photography.

A lot of what I post now is actually photos of my journey towards creating a big collection of fine art that I plan to release much later down the track. Some of the photos I've taken now I actually won't release, as I'm hoping they will be part of that fine art collection later on. So yeah, those photographers definitely influence that aspect of my work.


What path did you choose after leaving school?

Travel. I was addicted to traveling and just seeing new places as much as I could.


What have been the biggest challenges you've had to overcome?

I think the biggest challenge has to be the serious onset of anxiety I experienced after retuning back from living in Africa on and off for 2 years. When I first started dealing with it about 5 years ago it was nearly impossible to talk about with my mates & family, and it was a really tough time. Since then things have significantly improved socially, and lots more people are openly talking about issues such as anxiety and other mental health issues. This is also an issue I'm very passionate about, and thrive to help others deal with too, and to incorporate into both my photography & journey as I go.


What would you most like to change in the world/environment today?

Oh dear.... I think the world needs two things neither of which will happen overnight. The first is a reconnection, for the world to connect with nature again properly. To see it as our collective home and not as something that exists separate to us, or outside of their responsibility. I think if we all felt properly connected to nature, and cared for it like we care for our homes/bodies/friends & family etc, then the world would be a much better place for us and all living things. Maybe then we'd stop letting our planet burn, and stop killing everything that lives, that would be nice! The other thing would have to be resource distribution, money buys access to life in this day & age. I don't care how clever someone is, what startup they created, or for how long someone worked to set up their empire, we've got billionaires in super yachts doing blow while people born in Africa starve to death or worse, it just ain't right.


What do you value most in life?

Apart from friends & family, I would probably say my freedom.


Are there any books/documentaries that have guided your thinking?

I guess every wildlife documentary I've ever watched, and in particular anything with my hero David Attenborough in it!


What brings you the most joy?

That feeling as soon as you've experienced something like a sperm whale, or humpback mum & calf, or a leopard on safari, or any of those amazing rare wildlife encounters. I think the time a humpback calf slowly swam towards me and then stopped literally an inch away from my face and just sat there with me was the most joy I've ever felt. Apart from moments like that, simple things like just hanging with my dog or good friends brings me a lot of joy.


What projects are you currently working on?

I'm currently working on growing my humpback whale guided encounters in Tonga, I'd love to be able to take numerous groups to Tonga this year and for many years to come, and to be able to deliver a really informative and connecting experience to them, one that really strengthens and deepens their relationship with the whales and to nature as a whole. I'm also working on travelling as much as possible to photograph more wildlife, there's still so much I want to do in that regard. My mate Jordan Robins & I will be heading from Byron Bay to Ningaloo and hugging the coastline the whole way there over 9 or so weeks, so that should make for a pretty amazing adventure!


What legacy do you hope to leave?

An example of what a healthy modern human and nature relationship can look like, along with some beautiful imagery. That and hopefully some grounded, caring and nature loving kidlets!

Join Jono in Tonga 2020


Every year thousands of beautiful humpback whales make their annual migration from the icy feeding grounds of Antarctica, to the warm blue paradise of Tonga in order to mate and give birth! Despite their large size and weighing over 30 tonnes, humpback are complete gentle giants! They’re inquisitive, intelligent and very self-aware creatures that regularly allow for breathtaking interactions in the water.

Join Jono in the water this year and experience one of nature’s most breathtaking encounters!



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