Stéphanie Galinier | Underwater Photographer | Europe


Desiring to understand how the world works, Stephanie has been fascinated with underwater life since childhood. Now, she is enthusiastic to share her knowledge of marine life through photography and scuba diving. Fuelled with passion, she has since travelled to 26 different countries to explore the different environments and some of the best dive sites in the world.

Currently, Stephanie is working for a whale-watching company in Canada, which has been her career goal for years.

Stephanie feels as though the ocean has given her so much, and knowing that the path mankind is taking is not sustainable, she hopes that her images can be used for educational purposes to inspire and encourage people to care more for our planet, and to give a voice to that which has none.


When did you first pick up a camera and start shooting underwater?

I started taking pictures as a teenager and got certified after studying photography for 2 years when I was 23. I began scuba diving at 25 (in 2015) with an old GoPro4, and finally invested in a Sony Alpha A7RII, an Ikelite housing and a torch in 2018. A year later I decided to specialise in marine mammal and underwater photography but still enjoy taking pictures of seascapes or tiny creatures during low tides.


What is a typical day like for you?

 I am working full-time for a whale-watching company, but usually go at sea on my days off to monitor and take pictures of whales and orcas, or go to the beach on a sunny day after doing some yoga. My current goal for this summer is to go diving on the coast to explore Canada’s underwater world!


What are the fondest memories from your upbringing that you feel impacted your life choices and lifestyle today?

My grand-parents always took me to aquariums as a child, and truth is I never stopped! I am 32 now and I still visit aquariums, but all around the world!

From the smallest one in France to one of the largest in Japan! I guess spending time in aquariums and observing all these incredible creatures during my childhood brought that interest I have in marine wildlife today. The weirdo researching every single creature sighted in the fish ID books after diving?.. Is probably me!


What path did you choose after leaving school?

I've been wandering between English & Japanese classes, Arts, Photography and at last, Tourism. I have been looking for Marine Wildlife courses online for the past few years, but it seems to be a rare thing! I'm still looking!


What do you value most in life?

Respect, because it applies to humans, but also animals, plants, our planet, and our oceans!


What brings you the most joy?

Thinking of scuba diving in tropical waters so I don't have to wear a wetsuit haha! More seriously, watching whales breaching, dolphins jumping, scuba diving, and connecting with any creature that is curious enough to hang out with me.

Also, meeting passionate people during my diving or whale-watching trips and sharing beautiful stories or even fun facts definitely makes me the happiest person in the world!


Who/what currently inspires you?

A lot of incredible people! Laurent Ballesta never ceases to amaze me with his research and photographs.

On Instagram:

  • Daniel (@barefoot.wandering)

  • Phil (@phlyimages)

  • Marcelo, (@bugdreamer)

  • Owen (@ocroz)


What would you most like to change in the world/environment today?

The fishing industry for sure Ghost fish nets are a disaster (I am so glad to see more and more ocean lovers taking action and removing them from the water!) but also, fishing techniques, and above all, the quantity of fish we take from the ocean. I hear a lot of stories in NZ, where we also witness Maui Dolphins' extinction, and it's heartbreaking.


Are there any books/documentaries that have guided your thinking?

Regarding overfishing, it mostly comes from Sea Shepherd and all their articles! Regarding ocean pollution, I decided to photograph the french coastline for my photography studies after a hurricane brought back a lot of things from the ocean, and it raised a lot of questions, the main one being "what is this?.."


What legacy do you hope to leave?

Hopefully, unique images that will make people wonder and fall in love with the underwater world!


What advice would you give to anyone looking to follow their dreams as an ocean Storyteller?

Do what makes you happy and magic will happen!




Ryan Sault | Underwater Photographer | North America


Nadia Aly | Underwater Photographer | Expedition Leader | Ocean Entrepreneur